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ChatGPT: How It Improved My Skills While Tempting Me to Embrace Laziness as a Developer

3 min read

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    Sameer Waseem
    Software Engineer

    I have been meaning to write this blog for a while now, reflecting on my experience as a developer and the role that ChatGPT, an AI-powered coding assistant, has played in my journey.

    As a developer, I'm always searching for ways to improve my skills and learn new things. One resource I found is ChatGPT, an AI chatbot that assists developers with coding problems and provides solutions.

    When I started using ChatGPT, I was amazed by how quickly it could help me with coding problems. It felt like having a personal coding assistant that could assist me with anything I needed. With its help, I could complete tasks faster and more efficiently, which made me a better developer.

    What impressed me the most was that ChatGPT gave me valuable insights and new perspectives on coding problems. Sometimes, when I was struggling to find a solution, ChatGPT would suggest a different approach that I hadn't considered before. This expanded my problem-solving skills and taught me new techniques.

    However, as I continued to rely on ChatGPT, I realized that I was becoming too dependent on it. Instead of trying to solve problems on my own, I would immediately seek help from ChatGPT. This made me less independent and less confident in my coding abilities. I also noticed that I wasn't learning as much as I used to because I wasn't challenging myself to solve problems independently.

    Sometimes, ChatGPT provided quick fixes to my coding problems, which helped me complete tasks more quickly. However, I realized that I wasn't fully understanding the underlying concepts or code. As a result, I wasn't developing my own problem-solving skills and relied too much on external resources.

    In summary, ChatGPT has improved my efficiency and productivity as a developer. However, it has also made me overly dependent on external resources, which is not ideal. It's important to strike a balance between using tools like ChatGPT and developing our own problem-solving skills. Now, I use ChatGPT as a tool to complement my own skills rather than relying on it completely.

    Additionally, it's worth noting that ChatGPT doesn't always provide the best solution. Sometimes, the solutions it suggests may not be the most efficient or suitable for a specific problem. Realizing this, I started challenging myself to find my own solutions before turning to ChatGPT for assistance.

    Another downside to relying too heavily on ChatGPT is that it can hinder creativity and innovation. When we rely too much on external resources, we limit our own ability to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions. As developers, it's important to constantly strive for new and inventive ways to solve problems instead of relying solely on existing resources.

    Overall, ChatGPT has been a valuable resource for me as a developer. It has helped me learn new techniques, become more efficient, and gain valuable insights. However, it's crucial to use it in moderation and continuously challenge ourselves to develop our own problem-solving skills. By doing so, we can become better developers, always growing and innovating in our field.

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